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1. General information:

Voice module with build in microphone. Record and reproduce one or two separated messages. Can be connected dirctly to phone line and speaker. Compact size for easy installation.

2. The PARROT connection:

2.1 The power connection is through 4 screw (terminal block).

G – Ground.

+12v – Connect 6V up to 20V.

IN-2, IN-1 – Inputs for recording and play back.

2.2 The mic connection:

2 Screw marked MIC (If there is no MIC on the board) electro mic.

2.3 Low power connection:

Screw marked SP. To loudspeaker with polarity important to be strict with the polarity on the board. In the connection to phone line there is no meaning to the polarity.

Can connect the phome directly to the SP by way of 1K resistor.

3. Recording:

there are two messages recording possibility: 1. 20 second or. 2. Two message

12 second 2. 8 second. Before recording connect the MIC.

3.1 20 Second recording:

Push switch S1, on time of pushing must connect the ground (threw wich are internal switch) to entry IN2. The recording will start in the connection of IN2 to ground and stop in the disconnected.

There must be strict not record over 20 Second.

3.2 Two channel recording:

Push switch S1 in the time of pushing connect in 1 to ground (threw touch one internal switch) The recording will start in the connection of IN 1 to ground and stop when disconnected. Then the same action in IN 2 for the 12 second.

4. Play back:

4.1 One time play back:

To give pulls to ground in the entry IN1, or IN2 to hearing the messages. To

hear the large messages give pulls in the IN2.

4.2 Continual play back:

In case of ground fixed to entry IN1 or IN2, the messages is continual. When

disconnecting the ground from the screw the play back be heard till the end.